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The Earth from space showing Australia a

"Brand New Day" MFS 

Working for governance through

'strong and secure sovereign  nation states' 

'stable and prosperous regions'

'a peaceful and diverse open international law-based multilateral  international order and institutions' 

'a healthy and sustainable  planet'  

For Public International Law

Rules, Principles and Norms



This Public International Law  practice in Australia (NSW) is committed to the progressive development and sustainment of rules, principles and norms of  international law  to enhance the values of international order and human dignity within the interdependent global community of peoples.


Services offered include advice, opinions and representation on matters of general public international law.


Emphasis is placed on an interdisciplinary approach especially as regards relevant normative aspects of international relations 


Australia's normative identity, roles and responsibilities as a middle power in the international law-based  order of  the Indo-Asia-Pacific region is a particular focus


 Support to regional intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations is considered of special importance



Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


Public International law Practice Areas include:


  • General rules, principles and norms of public international law

  • Law of the Sea

  • Laws of armed conflict

  • International Humanitarian law 

  • United Nations and Peace and Security

  • Maritime zones law enforcement and border protection

  • National defence and security

  • International law based order in the Indo- Asia-Pacific

  • Global compact for the safe, orderly and regular migration




Dr. Michael F. Smith AM


Michael has practiced law in both the public and private sectors, and has extensive leadership and management experience in senior executive and administrative  appointments .  He holds undergraduate degrees from the University of Melbourne in Law and Arts(Economics and Politics) ;  and post-graduate degrees from the University of Sydney, Master of Laws;  and The  London School of Economics and Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy.  He attained  the rank of Commodore in the Royal Australian Navy, and served as the Director General of the Defence Legal Service. 
View Michael's full CV here


  • The Tampa Controversy: A uniform legal perspective.
    In Trials an Transformations The Howard Government Vol III (UNSW Press 2019)

  • Australia and the Rules-based International Order - The Way Ahead
    Presentation to the NSW Bar Association continuing professional development (Feb 2020)

  • Role of Armed Forces in the Regulation of International Migration
    Presentation to International Law Association, Slovenia Branch (2019)

  • China Matters: A New China Narrative for Australia
    (Submission April 2019)

  • The Law of the Sea in the Asia Pacific Region
    Centre for Military and Security Law Conference 2017
    Closing Conference Address, ANU College of Law - United Services Institute ACT (Aug 2017)

  • Visiting Fellow, Australian National University , College of Law 2014-16

  • Member, International Law Association Committee, Protection of People at Sea


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Address: 14 Faithfull St. Gundaroo, NSW, Australia 2620



Tel: within Australia  0417 044 261

        international +61 417 044 261


For any  inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

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© 2020 by RPN Chambers.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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